Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Compete With Self. 
Right from childhood we start learning how to compete with others. Parents start comparing siblings. In school, we compete with fellow students. Likewise, in office, we compete with other colleagues. It is just like a war, where one is always fighting to be at the top. In such conditions how one can learn to love? 

 It does not mean that we do not work for betterment of our performance. One shall compete with self only and always try to improve. These things give more satisfaction and less stress. Comparison and competition are negative feelings and create war rooms. 

 While comparing, if you become number one, you will lose the thrill of doing further progress or if your opponent is so strong, you may lose any enthusiasm to grow. In both situations, one can lead to stagnancy but when you are competing with self, you are always progressing and growing. 

Tips to Compete with self:
1. Set your own targets
2. Do not feel envy with others progress.
3. Never compare your children and juniors with others unless it is absolutely necessary
4. Celebrate own small successes to get motivated for future goals.
5. Be genuine in appreciating others.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Complacency Slides Down. 
I am the best. I know all. No one can beat me. I do not need any body's help. When such types of thoughts exist in mind, it is a sign of complacency. Such people think that their glass is full of milk and there is no space for anyone else. They forget that even full glass of milk has a scope for one teaspoon of sugar, which can make milk sweeter. Basically, complacency kills creativity and new ideas stop coming. 
Once you reach at top, it takes more effort to remain there. For that, one needs to be humble. One should always be ready to make changes, learn new things, enhance knowledge and accept suggestions. Instead of that, if complacency sets in, one can be sure of sliding down. 
To avoid trap of complacency, develop more flexibility, humbleness, politeness and openness. Keep on learning more skills, enhancing knowledge, and adding values in whatever role you are playing. 
5 Tips to avoid complacency:
1.     Ready to be in a learning mode.
2.   Do not believe your press agents.
3.  Keep inviting feedback and criticism.
4.  Keep reviewing strategies.
5.   Be polite and humble, as you grow high.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

COA: Change or Accept.

There are three categories of circumstances or situations. First category is where situation is under our control. The complete control of circumstances is in our hands as we have got full influence on that. Every one has got full control on his mind, body, heart and soul. Though very few control it because most of us have a tendency to give control of our mind and body in the hand of others. 
Second category of situation or circumstances is when we can’t control the situation, which is affecting us. This type of situation arises mostly in our family, work, society, city or in our country. We might be affected positively or negatively by that situation but actually we have little or no influence on that. For example, if your boss gives promotion to your colleague or competitor, you feel sad but practically can’t change decision except to keep performing as best as you can. 
Third category of situation is when, neither the event is in your control nor it has direct or indirect effect on you. Such as, some one is elected as prime minister in Argentina. In situations second & third, it is better to accept things.
5 Tips for change or accept:
1. Identify the situation and decide whether to accept or change.
2. Make continuous efforts to enlarge your circle of influence.
3. Make continuous efforts for improvement in things under your control.
4. Make sure change is as painless as possible for you and others.
5. Use creativity and innovation for bringing change.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

CMT: Character Makes Trustworthy.

If someone says 'I Trust You' it's bigger compliment than 'I Love You'. Gaining trust of anyone is harder than gaining love. When you trust someone you surrender yourself. You will be confident that he/she will always be available for you. Also, you will be sure that he/she will not take you for granted. 
Now, question is why we trust someone or why someone will trust us. The first and foremost quality needed to develop trust is bringing honesty in our behavior. Your thoughts, words and actions must be aligned for someone to trust you. People are very smart in catching contradictions in your thoughts and actions. It takes few seconds for trust to shatter but it takes years to build it. 
Trust is considered as base for building strong relationship. Whether it is a case of family or work, trust is needed to have strong bonding. Apart from honesty, other character traits also play vital role in developing trust such as integrity, fairness, thoughtfulness, humbleness, kindness and sincerity. Even the trust worthy person can have some personality flaws but if people trust him/her, they would overlook those flaws. 

5 Tips to Develop Trust
1. Develop Honesty in your behavior.
2. Overcome character flaws.
3. Help others without expectations.
4. Be emotionally intelligent.
5. Align your thoughts, words and actions.

Friday, July 25, 2014

CCP: Corruption Corrupt Peace

India is ranked as 94th on the global corruption perception index. Practically speaking, every Indian is corrupt if you consider giving bribe a part of corruption. Corruption ranges from as simple as getting berth in train to holding a dead body by police for cremation. Most of the employees either in government or in private sector take bribe for performing their job. Similarly, most of the entrepreneurs give bribe for getting things done in their favour. Tax evasion is also a type of corruption as most of the taxpayers in some or the other way try to evade tax resulting in distorted development of our country.
At an individual level, corruption can give progress over a short period of time. However, it won’t be able to provide peace even for a brief period. In India, it’s the major cause of high stress level, diabetes, hypertension and blood pressure. The sad part of corruption is that nowadays, it is so prevalent and our conscious is getting immune to its spread. It has become a way of life but somewhere deep inside our sub conscious level it is corrupting our day-to-day peace. 
5 Tips to reduce/stop corruption:
1. Appointing honest leader as a country head. 
2. Giving and receiving bribe shall be a criminal offence.
3. Stressing moral education at primary level. 
4. Bringing transparency in governance. 
5. Simplifying Tax structure.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


If there is no challenge in life change will not come. Take for example life of street sweeper 50 years back in a small village. Day in day out he will come and sweep the streets and in return he will get few breads with left over vegetable and few old clothes on some festival. He had no needs. But slowly due to industrialisation and urbanisation lot of new things has started coming in market and in common man’s life. His desires started increasing. It became challenge for him to improve the quality of life. He understood that to get all these new things he will have to earn money and give education to his children and slowly change in his thoughts and in his life emerged. Rest is history.
Whatever the change or materialistic development in life of people is due to challenges in life. If there is no challenge one will stop making efforts. There will be change but it will be downward. To bring positive change we need to give challenge to our children. In work life we need to give challenge to our employees. Keep challenging yourself and you will witness change in your life. 
5 Tips to create and manage challenges of life:
1. Set the stretched goals. 
2. Create capabilities to meet challenges.
3. Plan effectively to meet challenge. 
4. Be open for change in life. 
5. Be ready to face unexpected events.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

BWE: Begin With End

When we step out of a house, our destination is in our mind. But most of us are living entire life without any purpose. It might not be possible to decide the ultimate goal however, it’s also not difficult to decide short term and medium term goals. Goals may be materialistic, emotional, intellectual or spiritual but life without goal is like living without aim. For e.g. students select a particular course without properly thinking of what ultimately they want to achieve in life and later on regret why they wasted time on doing that particular course. Furthermore, people at work without goal might achieve something but their achievement will always be lower than their potential. 
If a proper guidance is available, goals could be more defined and specific. Professionals say that your goals must be SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound). If goals are not SMART then they are not goals, they are basically wishes. Written goals have always better chances of getting fulfilled so always keep on writing and modifying goals periodically. When the END is defined, chances are very high that you will reach the END otherwise wherever you reach consider that is END. 
5 Tips to Set Goals
1. Visualise your life and decide long-term goals.
2. Set short-term goals say for a year. 
3. Let the goals be SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound).
4. Write down your goals and read it frequently. 
5. Review your goals periodically and reset as per relevance.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

BTW: Bury The Worry

Worry is building high-rise tower consisting of blocks having negative emotions. Holding negative thoughts in mind make people depressed. In reality, it's an imaginary fear and the prevailing situation might be totally opposite or better than thought. 
Anxiety is not bad to certain extent. In fact, it’s a good tool to check over confidence or over enthusiasm. But, as soon as it crosses line of control, it starts causing stress and eventually leads to bad health. 
One can face worry due to ‘n’ number of reasons such as failure in exam, ill health, breakup in relationship, not timely completion of work, boss's anger etc. There is a saying that “If a problem can be solved then there is no need to worry however, if it cannot be solved, then what’s the use of worrying”. There is a great difference between worry and concern. To illustrate, worried person sees a problem, while concerned person solves the problem. Worry is an interest paid on trouble before it’s maturity. 
5 Tips to Bury the Worry
1. Do not assume. Check the facts. 
2. Try to think of innovative solution of a problem. 
3. Take help of experts. 
4. Think positive. 
5. Make plan ‘B’.

Monday, July 21, 2014

BTA: Believe To Achieve

Whatever our mind can conceive, we can achieve. The limitation is in our thoughts. In accordance with the “Law of attraction”, whole universal forces will act together, if one has a faith in his/her desires/dreams. For that, we need to develop confidence in our own faith. Confidence comes naturally with success but success only reaches those who are confident enough. Likewise, it doesn’t come when you have solutions to problems. Rather, it comes when you are ready to face difficulties. Lack of confidence destroys our ability to act. 
Now, the question is how to develop faith, trust and belief. Either trust your abilities or take the help of God you believe in. Fundamentally, it is not God who will perform your job. It is actually your trust in God, which will compel you to work for your dreams. Only belief is not enough to achieve. It is just a basic step. Your beliefs have to be coupled with your actions. Moreover, God won’t help those, who are lazy in their actions. 
5 Tips How to develop confidence
1. Try to become expert of your field. 
2. Be positive and trust your abilities. 
3. Develop presentation and communication skills. 
4. Involve the relevant and competent people. 
5. Celebrate small victories.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

AWE: Avoid Wasteful Expenditure

Though "what is wasteful" is a relative term and vary from person to person. Yet, it is a decision of ones own wisdom. One may be very rich but living in a city having acute water shortage. In that scenario, he will be forced to use water wisely. On the other hand, one very poor person living on the bank of flowing river might use water without giving a second thought. 
Abundance of resources should not be criteria for utilizing and wasting things.  Exemplary, people while visiting marriages fill their plates without thinking whether they will be able to finish it off or not. In country like India, we cannot think of wasting food, where more than 50% of population gets food once a day only. Also, for providing resources (such as power and water) at subsidized rates, government has to put lot of efforts, which is why, one needs to be very miser in utilising such resources.
5 Tips to avoid wastage
1. Identify waste areas such as water, electricity, fuel, paper etc. 
2. Adopt 4R’s: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Recover.
3. Use sustainable ideas such as video conferencing instead of traveling.
4. Utilise cheaper but same quality products. 
5. Encourage children and juniors for waste minimization.