Wednesday, July 23, 2014

BWE: Begin With End

When we step out of a house, our destination is in our mind. But most of us are living entire life without any purpose. It might not be possible to decide the ultimate goal however, it’s also not difficult to decide short term and medium term goals. Goals may be materialistic, emotional, intellectual or spiritual but life without goal is like living without aim. For e.g. students select a particular course without properly thinking of what ultimately they want to achieve in life and later on regret why they wasted time on doing that particular course. Furthermore, people at work without goal might achieve something but their achievement will always be lower than their potential. 
If a proper guidance is available, goals could be more defined and specific. Professionals say that your goals must be SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound). If goals are not SMART then they are not goals, they are basically wishes. Written goals have always better chances of getting fulfilled so always keep on writing and modifying goals periodically. When the END is defined, chances are very high that you will reach the END otherwise wherever you reach consider that is END. 
5 Tips to Set Goals
1. Visualise your life and decide long-term goals.
2. Set short-term goals say for a year. 
3. Let the goals be SMART (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Relevant; Time Bound).
4. Write down your goals and read it frequently. 
5. Review your goals periodically and reset as per relevance.

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