Thursday, July 24, 2014


If there is no challenge in life change will not come. Take for example life of street sweeper 50 years back in a small village. Day in day out he will come and sweep the streets and in return he will get few breads with left over vegetable and few old clothes on some festival. He had no needs. But slowly due to industrialisation and urbanisation lot of new things has started coming in market and in common man’s life. His desires started increasing. It became challenge for him to improve the quality of life. He understood that to get all these new things he will have to earn money and give education to his children and slowly change in his thoughts and in his life emerged. Rest is history.
Whatever the change or materialistic development in life of people is due to challenges in life. If there is no challenge one will stop making efforts. There will be change but it will be downward. To bring positive change we need to give challenge to our children. In work life we need to give challenge to our employees. Keep challenging yourself and you will witness change in your life. 
5 Tips to create and manage challenges of life:
1. Set the stretched goals. 
2. Create capabilities to meet challenges.
3. Plan effectively to meet challenge. 
4. Be open for change in life. 
5. Be ready to face unexpected events.

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