Don't Break Rules.
It is not that all rules are good and rational but breaking rules is not civilised. If you do not like rule try to change it but do not break it. Breaking the rules create anarchy. It disturbs life of good citizens.
Once in Canada my son was driving in night at around 11pm and I was seating beside him. The roads were totally empty but he stopped. I did not understand why he stopped. When I asked, he said there is a white line and the rule is to stop for a second, look around and if no one is coming from other side than move ahead.
The rules can be as simple as traffic rules and as difficult as coming before 9pm in the hostel. People who are disciplined and do not break rules are always respected. Even if you are a good performer but not disciplined, you can never become star employee.
5 Tips to follow the rules:
1. Know the rules about whatever you are doing.
2. Follow the rules religiously particularly when you are out of your home.
3. Do not feel upset when others are breaking rules.
4. When you are a rule maker, make sure these are practical.
5. Do not criticize rules, if you cannot change them.
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