Dreams Drive Destiny.
Dreams here mean which we visualize with open eyes and alert mind. Dreaming with open eyes is more structured process than simply wishing or desiring. In dreaming, lot of thought process is involved. Person visualizes what ultimately he wants to become? Why he wants that? What are the options he has? What would be the path and process to reach there?
Once the dream or vision is decided, opportunities start emerging. Of course dreaming alone is not enough. One needs to act. But it is the dream that stimulate action. Dedication and determination is required for implementing your dreams. Quality and vastness of dreams depend upon your ability to think beyond your present reality. As a general rule, if your dreams are not 20 times in 10 years compared to your present situation than your dreams are just average.
5 Steps for effective dreaming:
1. Dream for long term, at least 5-10 years ahead.
2. Dream beyond your present capabilities.
3. Do not worry that people will laugh on your dreams.
4. Read biographies of your role modals.
5. Dreams followed by actions will take you towards your destiny.
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