Destroy Negative Habits.
Habits are like adhesive. Spelling of HABIT is very interesting. You remove H, A BIT is there. Remove A, BIT is there. Remove B, IT is still there. Habits can be good as well as bad, positive habits and negative habits. It is good to develop positive habits but one must destroy negative habits. Mostly when we have lesser control on our senses, we develop negative habits. To develop positive habit one need strong mind. Irony is that many times we are not even aware of our negative habits, so taking regular feed back of our near and dear ones can help in knowing our bad habits.
Having knowledge of bad habit is first step towards working in the direction of removal of habit. Research says that removing an old habit or developing a new habit requires conscious efforts of 21 days. In 21 days if you miss any day than start counting again from one. One thing for sure, expecting positive results from negative habit is like expecting mangoes from neem tree. Habit is like master, whether good habit or bad habit, it keeps control on you.
5 Tips to deal with bad habits:
1. Make the list of bad habits.
2. Deal with one at a time.
3. Develop a strong will power.
4. Ask your near and dear ones to help you in fighting with bad habit.
5. Install a good habit to replace with bad habit.
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