Monday, August 25, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
ENS: Eliminate Negative Stress
In modern era, stress is inevitable. Due to urbanization, industrialization and fast pace technological development, needs are increasing every day. It is not easy to reduce desires and expectations. Competition and comparison is so high that even if you do not want, one of your family members may compel you to compare and compete. Unfulfilled desires and expectations are increasing the stress.
There are 2 types of stress. Positive and Negative. Positive stress leads to progress whereas negative stress affects physical and mental health. Progress in any field even in spirituality, is not possible if certain amount of stress is not there. Mahavira, Buddha, Christ, Mohammad, Gandhi and Mother Teresa all went through positive stress and achieved highest level of their purpose. Process of building stress, start with our senses. Senses feel and mind starts thinking and generates desires and expectations. Desires generate attachment, unfulfilment of which leads to anger. When anger starts, intellect stops working and that leads to deterioration of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of a person.
5 Tips to deal with Negative stress:
1. Discriminate between negative and positive stress.
2. Meditate to remove negative stress.
3. Learn to let go.
4. Reduce the expectations.
5. Think positive.
Synchronise 3H and achieve everlasting Happiness.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
EIP: Extreme is Poisonous.
Friday, August 22, 2014
EIE: Enthusiasm Ignites Enthusiasm
Thursday, August 21, 2014
EHS Excuses Hinders Success
Excuses Hinders Success
Mostly people have habit of giving excuses, which works like a roadblock or speed-breaker for success. I would like to divide excuses in 3 categories. First is Self Justifying Excuses, second as Non Committal Excuses and third is Failure Justifying Excuses. When a person has very low confidence then he will keep on giving logics, reasons and excuses to self that why he is not having ability to do a particular task. Such types of people are expert in killing their own initiative.
Second category of excusers, are those who have the ability to do the task but have high degree of fear to fail. They are ready to work but before starting they will express their doubt about success of task. They would like to protect themselves from taking any blame in case failure occurs.
Then third, there are people who will start the job with full confidence but in case failure occurs, rather than finding fault in self, try to come with excuses and put blame on someone or circumstances. Such people can never learn from failures and their chance of future success reduces.
5 Tips to eliminate excuses:
1. Analyse deeply the excuse before expressing.
2. Develop positive attitude within.
3. Do not blame others.
4. Develop attitude of I CAN and I WILL.
5. Differentiate between facts and excuses and deal accordingly.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
EDR: Ego Destroys Relationship.
Ego Destroys Relationship.
I know many people who do not talk to near and dear ones in family because they got hurt by silly reasons and now they are waiting other party to apologise and take first step. They keep presuming all negative thoughts and build an imaginary wall of hatred.
This often happens in professional relationship also. Ego totally destroys teamwork and performance of both the party and affects negatively those who are involved.
Though it is true that if any one takes initiative to solve the dead lock by initiating communication that is considered as weakness by other party and his ego further increases. Still initiating communication is the best way to save the relationship. Egoist people radiate negative energy and their aura shrinks.
5 Tips to deal with Ego:
1. Differentiate between ego and self-respect.
2. When it is matter of close relationship, drop the ego and initiate communication.
3. Be more humble as you rise higher.
4. Let the organisational goals take priority over ego.
5. When you walk on the path of spirituality, ego reduces.